Does your program serve school-age children? Apply for the 2025 School-Age Child Care (SACC) Grant!

The Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning (OECOSL) is pleased to announce the availability of grant funds for school-age child care through the state-funded School-Age Child Care Project Fund for SFY 2025. The goal of this project is to increase the availability and affordability of high-quality school-age child care. This request for funding seeks applications from public school corporations or licensed or regulated 501(c)(3) tax exempt organizations that offer care to children who are at five years of age but less than 15 years of age before or after the school day or when school is not in session. 

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General FAQs

The School-Age Child Care (SACC) Project Fund is available for a Legally Licensed Exempt school-age child care program (LLEP) that has a current agreement with a public/nonpublic school. The SACC grant supports a school-age program which offers care to children between the ages of five (5) to fifteen (15) to include:

  • before and/or after school care
  • periods when school is not in session excluding summer break
  • care for children that attend kindergarten – either full or half day kindergarten

The following supports are available to learn more about the SACC grant:

  1. Visit FSSA’s SACC webpage to learn more about the funding, and review the SACC Policies and Procedures manual
  2. Review SPARK’s SACC Grant Live Resource available on My SPARK Learning Lab entitled “Live Resource: What You Need to Know about the Upcoming School-Age Child Care Grant (SACC) Applications”

Schedule a one-on-one support session with our support staff by visiting

Schedule time to speak one-on-one and receive SACC Grant support from our SPARK Support Staff:

  1. Visit our website at
  2. Once you arrive on our website, click on “SPARK Supports” and select “SACC Grant”. You can then schedule a time for a one-on-one consultation with our support staff. 
  3. Click on “Schedule Your Support Session Here”. 
  4. Select a date and time that works best for you and then select “Confirm”.
  5. Enter your name and email address and your preferred meeting method: video or phone call
  6. Select “Schedule Event”. 

If you need further assistance, email

The SACC application will be available via I-LEAD through the Build, Learn, Grow Stabilization Portal. 

Only program staff that are considered “Provider Admins” within I-LEAD will be able to access the application.

To apply, provider admins for the program should log in to I-LEAD and click on the homepage button that says, “Launch the Stabilization Grant Portal.” Once in the Stabilization Grant Portal, the SACC application option should be visible.

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Only the Center Exempt programs in CCIS will be able to access the SACC Grant application in I-LEAD – through the BLG Stabilization Grant portal. Only the Provider Admins for the Center exempt programs will have access.

Center exempt programs are those legal licensed exempt providers (LLEP) within a center based program that are approved to accept CCDF vouchers. These programs are not licensed centers.

Eligibility FAQs

1. Your program must be a public school corporation established by Indiana Law or a non-profit organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

2. Your School Aged Before and After School program, not just your pre-school program, must be active, OECOSL licensed or regulated, and compliant with any required IDOE regulations.

3. Your program must be in good standing, which means you are not in a repayment status and do not have a negative action against your license.

4. Your program must have provided before and after school services for at least one (1) year before the date of application for this grant.

Programs must be in compliance with applicable state and local licensing laws and regulations, not be on probationary license or certificate of non-compliance at the time of submission, and must be in good standing with the Secretary of the State, the Indiana Department of Revenue, and Indiana Workforce Development.

To be considered in good standing for the purposes of this grant, a program must be compliant with current regulations and may not be in an active repayment process or the subject of an active investigation or enforcement action by OECOSL.

Grant Details FAQs

The SACC Application opens the week of January 29, 2024 and will close on March 1, 2024


  1. Program Enrichment

This may include the cost of developmentally appropriate activities to promote children’s learning and development such as tutoring services, computer training, sports programming, performance arts, math, and science programming. The reimbursable expenses may include instructor fees (other than program staff) and consumable products used for program delivery.

  1. Equipment

Funds may be used to purchase developmentally appropriate equipment for children between the ages of 5-15. A single equipment purchase reimbursement may not exceed $499. Grantees must keep an inventory including depreciation schedule on all equipment purchased with Federal or State Funds.

  1. Staffing

Funds may be used to pay for school-age program staff salaries not to exceed 90% of the actual staff cost.

  1. Staff Development

Funds may be used to provide the required 12 hours of in-service professional development. At least 50% of these training hours must be obtained from an outside source. Professional development must be related to providing services for children ages 5-15 and their families. Travel Expenses claimed cannot exceed .38 per mile and no out-of-state travel will be reimbursed.

Grantees have the responsibility to fully utilize their allocation, but must be careful not to exceed contract funds. Failure to fully utilize your allocation may result in a reduction of funding for the following contract year’s allocation.

Grantees shall meet the following performance measures associated with the grant:

  1. Grantees shall submit claims for reimbursement within 60 calendar days following the end of the month in which a cost was incurred.
  2. Grantees shall utilize 100% of their allocation for each SFY.
  3. Grantees shall achieve a satisfactory or better rating on 85% of all completed family surveys at the middle and end of each program year.
  4. Grantees must maintain their LLEP/license

These funds are not considered a loan, and child care providers who comply with funding requirements will not be required to pay them back. However, funding recipients found to have violated the terms of the application process or attestation, or who are found to have provided false or misleading information to OECOSL regarding funding requirements, may be asked to repay funds, be deemed ineligible for future grant rounds, and/or be referred to Indiana’s Family and Social Services Administration Audits Department for additional action.

Additionally, programs that close permanently during the grant period will be required to return any unused funds.

Payments for reimbursement are submitted through a claims process. Grantees shall submit claims for reimbursement within 60 calendar days following the end of the month in which a cost was incurred. For a timely payment, claims must be submitted no later than the 10th of the month.

Application Process FAQs

How do I apply for a SACC Grant?

Eligible providers will apply in I-LEAD by clicking the “Launch the Stabilization Grant Portal button”

To apply, provider admins for the program should log in to I-LEAD and click on the homepage button that says, “Launch the Stabilization Grant Portal.” Once in the Stabilization Grant Portal, the SACC application option should be visible. 

You will need an existing Program Admin to invite you to become an admin. Once you accept the emailed invitation, you will be able to manage the site’s account.

Existing admins can add you by logging into their I-LEAD account, selecting the provider site, clicking “Invite Admin,” and adding your information. If you require further assistance, contact the SPARK Learning Lab at (800) 299-1627 or email

Yes, the online application available through I-LEAD → Build, Learn, Grow Stabilization Portal → SACC Grant is the ONLY method to apply for the funding.

The following information is needed when completing the application:

  1. Indiana Department of Administration Bidder ID & Supplier ID
  2. Business financial information
  3. Details on all the individual programs sites that will be used for school age care

The SACC application includes a field entitled “Indiana Department of Administration Bidder ID”. 

Applicants should use their Bidders ID from their registration with the Secretary of State, as these are required to receive a grant. 

Bidders IDs can be checked or created at and Secretary of State registration can be checked or completed at

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Schedule time to speak one-on-one and receive SACC Grant support from our SPARK Support Staff:

  1. Visit our website at
  2. Once you arrive on our website, click on “SPARK Supports” and select “SACC Grant”. You can then schedule a time for a one-on-one consultation with our support staff.
  1. Visit or SPARK Home page → SACC Support 
  1. Click on “Schedule Your Support Session Here”. 
  2. Select a date and time that works best for you and then select “Confirm”.
  3. Enter your name and email address and your preferred meeting method:
            video or phone call
  4. Select “Schedule Event”. 
  5. Enter your name and email address and your preferred meeting method: video or phone call
  6. Select “Schedule Event”. 

The grant system allows providers to save their application progress and return later to complete it.

You will only need to complete one application for the organization. Select all the child care facilities/sites you wish to apply for before starting your application. Please note that once you have made your selection, you will not be able to return to this screen to add more sites.

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The following are the application scoring sections: 

  • Technical Proposal Scoring is worth 85 points.
    • Plan for Requested Grant Funding

Step 1: Review for Mandatory Requirements and Complete Application (PASS/FAIL)

In this step, proposals will be evaluated to ensure that they adhere to all grant requirements, including applicant eligibility. This section of the application will be evaluated based on the overall application. Applicants must complete all questions regarding Organization Information.  Applicants that do not meet the eligibility and service requirements outlined in RFF Section III may be disqualified. In addition, incomplete proposals may be disqualified. Further, all applications received after the deadline set forth in the RFF shall be disqualified.


Step 2: Qualitative Review (Technical and Grant Budget Proposals)

Proposals will be scored based on the submitted Technical Proposal as described in Section IV.D and the Grant Budget Proposal as described in Section IV.E. Applicants must submit all Attachments and exhibits listed in the Technical Proposal and Grant Budget Proposal section of the Grant Application Components table in Section IV.B. This scoring will have a maximum possible score of 70 points. Evaluations may include one or more rounds of grant proposal clarifications or discussions (oral and/or written) between the State and the applicant focused on the details of the Technical and/or Grant Budget Proposal. Note that Grant Budget Proposals will not be scored based on the grant funding amount requested, so long as the amount requested regardless of the number of program sites falls between $10,000 and $40,000 for one county.

Priority Criteria (15 Priority points (5 points each) are given if at least one of the proposed sites of operation meets the criteria below.)

  1. Operating as a school-based or non-profit program at a school site
  2. Serving over 75% of families that are CCDF eligible
  3. Operating in a rural area

Recipients will receive an email of award

You will be required to submit your expenses within 60 days of the end of the month you are claiming for.and reimbursements are usually given within 30 days. The earlier the better in case there needs to be corrections.

Program staff with Provider Administrator access in I-LEAD are the only users that will see the SACC application.

You will only need to complete one application for the organization. Select all the child care facilities/sites you wish to apply for before starting your application. Please note that once you have made your selection, you will not be able to return to this screen to add more sites.

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Post Award Support and Considerations FAQs

Grantees will receive a Claims Form and a Budget Spreadsheet (with the breakdown of the award by Site and in each of the 4 spending categories).  BOTH of these need to be submitted to FSSA Claims each month they are claiming.

Grantees are required to participate in the Indiana Quality Program Self-Assessment (IN-QPSA) at every program site within 90 days of their program’s start date. Additionally, grantees shall administer a semi-annual family survey and receive a satisfactory or better rating on 85% of all completed surveys.

This is a FREE online strengths-based self-assessment tool that enables youth programs to rate their performance based on the Indiana Afterschool Standards and Specialty Standards. More information about the Indiana Afterschool Standards and self-assessment tool can be found at

Grantees shall administer a survey at the middle and end of each program year. Additionally, they must achieve a satisfactory or better rating on 85% of all completed surveys.

In the past, they didn’t need to be submitted, but they needed to be kept in case of an audit to show what the funds were used for specifically.

The final month that can be reimbursed will be May, 2025. The final claim submission date will be 60 days after the completion of the school year.

You would not be able to claim funds for a closed program.Who can complete the SACC grant application for program sites?

Only staff that have been added as “Provider Admins” in I-LEAD will be able to see the SACC Grant application through the BLG Stabilization Grant Portal – accessed through the I-LEAD homepage.

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