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SPARK Business Coaching

SPARK Business Coaches are available to answer your questions and support your business goals

Work with a SPARK Business Coach on your desired area of business to reach your goals. Coaches are available to answer one off questions or work with you over a period of months on a SMART goal to strengthen your business. 

Connect with a coach here

Person On Phone Doing Coaching

SPARK Business Resources

Add to your knowledge bank by accessing SPARK business resources

SPARK has a team of content specialists working to create the training and resources you need. Everything is available at My SPARK Learning Lab through your ILEAD account. Find resources on:

  • Creating an Intentional Budget
  • Create and Utilize a Profit and Loss Statement
  • Provider Cost of Care Calculator
  • Developing Effective Job Descriptions
  • And more

Explore resources here

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All Our Kin Business Training

Build your Family Child Care Home’s business skills with SPARK

SPARK Learning Lab is excited to offer the All Our Kin Business Series, specifically for Family Child Care Home providers! Boost your business with essential skills in marketing, contract writing, financial management, risk management, and effective communication. Participants will engage in

  • Utilize tools to implement in practices
  • Team-building exercises 
  • And practical workshops tailored to their unique needs
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Civitas 1:1 Business Consultations

Get free guidance from a childcare business consultant to strengthen your business 

Connect with a business consultant through live Q&A sessions and one-on-one consulting calls at no cost to you. Your business consultant can:

  • Assist you identifying key areas in your business to utilize relief funding
  • Help you define and reach goals to increase revenue and decrease costs
  • Offer best practices and tools to operate your child care business
  • Create action steps to help you move forward with confidence
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Civitas Business Resources for Child Care Providers

Access dozens of resources covering a variety of topics

Browse resource guides in English and Spanish designed to support your child care business in these categories:

  • Stimulus Funds and Taxes
  • Business Finances
  • Business Operations
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Tom Copeland Blog

Access business advice from the nation’s leading experts on the business of Family Child Care

Tom Copeland has been a guiding voice on the business of Family Child Care for years. Access the Taking Care of Business blog to learn more about your business.

Artículos en Español – Click here

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