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SPARK Learning Lab is passionate about getting the word our to partners from across the state of Indiana.

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Week of Jul 15th

  • Pay by Enrollment is LIVE – What Providers Need to do NOW

    Pay by Enrollment is LIVE – What Providers Need to do NOW

    July 15, 2024

    OECOSL invites all providers to attend this webinar to learn more about registering for the new Provider and Parent portals, setting up banking information with the new payment vendor (Rapid Financial Systems), entering provider closures, submitting attendance in the new portal, and connecting to a CCMS. OECOSL invites you to attend this webinar to have all the tools that you need for a smooth and successful transition.

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    Lakeshore®: Enseñar con una mentalidad de crecimiento(ST. JOSEPH COUNTY)

    Lakeshore®: Enseñar con una mentalidad de crecimiento(ST. JOSEPH COUNTY)

    July 15, 2024

    Face to Face training: Double-check the LOCATION of the session before registering!

    A growth mindset is the belief that your abilities, qualities, and intelligence can be developed, while a fixed mindset is the belief that your intelligence and qualities are unchangeable. This session will focus on the development of a growth mindset in teachers so they can help foster a growth mindset in young children. Doing this will help equip children with the resiliency skills needed to put in the effort and dedication required to overcome the many challenges they will face in school and in life.

    Una mentalidad de crecimiento es la creencia de que tus habilidades, cualidades e inteligencia pueden desarrollarse, mientras que una mentalidad fija es la creencia de que tu inteligencia y cualidades son inmutables. Esta sesión se centrará en el desarrollo de una mentalidad de crecimiento en los maestros para que puedan ayudar a fomentar una mentalidad de crecimiento en los niños pequeños. Hacer esto ayudará a equipar a los niños con las habilidades de resiliencia necesarias para poner el esfuerzo y la dedicación necesarios para superar los muchos desafíos que enfrentarán en la escuela y en la vida.

    This training is presented through a partnership between SPARK Learning Lab and Lakeshore®. A meal will be served, and all attendees will receive a materials kit to use with the children in your program!

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    Get Directions

    St. Joe Public Library Community Learning Center

    305 S Michigan Ave

    South Bend, IN 46601

    Lakeshore®: Literacy through Songs, Rhymes, & Read Alouds (JEFFERSON COUNTY)

    Lakeshore®: Literacy through Songs, Rhymes, & Read Alouds (JEFFERSON COUNTY)

    July 15, 2024

    Face to Face training: Double-check the LOCATION of the session before registering!

    During this session, you will learn fun ways to support the language and literacy development of infants and toddlers through effective and simple strategies. We will review and discuss ideas for hands-on activities, songs, rhymes, finger plays, read alouds and more to be added to your bag of tricks, to keep your children learning and engaged while having fun!

    This training is presented through a partnership between SPARK Learning Lab and Lakeshore®. A meal will be served, and all attendees will receive a materials kit to use with the children in your program!

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    Get Directions

    Madison Consolidated Administrative Building

    2421 Wilson Ave.

    Madison, IN 47250


    Lakeshore®: Teaching with a Growth Mindset for School-Age Children (ST. JOSEPH COUNTY)

    Lakeshore®: Teaching with a Growth Mindset for School-Age Children (ST. JOSEPH COUNTY)

    July 15, 2024

    Face to Face training: Double-check the LOCATION of the session before registering!

    A growth mindset is the belief that your abilities, qualities, and intelligence can be developed, while a fixed mindset is the belief that your intelligence and qualities are unchangeable. This session will focus on the development of a growth mindset in teachers so they can help foster a growth mindset in young children. Doing this will help equip children with the resiliency skills needed to put in the effort and dedication required to overcome the many challenges they will face in school and in life.

    This training is presented through a partnership between SPARK Learning Lab and Lakeshore®. A meal will be served, and all attendees will receive a materials kit to use with the children in your program!

    Get Registered

    Get Directions

    St. Joe Public Library Community Learning Center

    305 S Michigan Ave

    South Bend, IN 46601

  • Using Narration to Identify and Promote Prosocial Behavior

    Using Narration to Identify and Promote Prosocial Behavior

    July 16, 2024

    Employ narration of behavior (also known as positive descriptive feedback) as a proactive and preventative strategy used to reduce behaviors that challenge us in the learning environment. Apply the concepts behind positive descriptive feedback to utilize social stories as a group or individual approach to increasing desired and socially appropriate behaviors.

    **Be sure to register in Indiana Learning Paths as well as zoom, so your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

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    El pago por inscripción está EN VIVO: lo que los proveedores deben hacer AHORA

    El pago por inscripción está EN VIVO: lo que los proveedores deben hacer AHORA

    July 16, 2024

    OECOSL invita a todos los proveedores a asistir a este seminario web para obtener más información sobre cómo registrarse en los nuevos portales de proveedores y padres, cómo configurar la información bancaria con el nuevo proveedor de pagos (Rapid Financial Systems), ingresar cierres de proveedores, enviar asistencia en el nuevo portal y conectarse a un CCMS. OECOSL lo invita a asistir a este seminario web para tener todas las herramientas que necesita para una transición fluida y exitosa.

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  • ASQ-SE Questionnaire Training

    ASQ-SE Questionnaire Training

    July 17, 2024

    There is tremendous opportunity during the first few years of a child’s life to identify and address potential social-emotional concerns. This is at the heart of ASQ®:SE-2. It is modeled after the acclaimed ASQ®-3 and is tailored to identify and exclusively screen social and emotional behaviors. ASQ:SE-2 is an easy-to-use tool with all the advantages of ASQ-3—it’s cost-effective, parent-completed, photocopiable, and culturally sensitive. With questionnaire results, professionals can quickly recognize young children at risk for social or emotional difficulties, identify behaviors of concern to caregivers, and identify any need for further assessment.

    Participants will receive an ASQ®:SE-2 Starter Kit upon completion of this training! A SPARK Mental Health and Wellness Coach will also be available to support on-site with implementation.

    PREREQUISITE REQUIRED: Using the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. Resources to Increase Family Engagement and Promote Developmental Monitoring and Screening

    **Be sure to register in I-LEAD as well as zoom, so that your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

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    Sleep is Your Superpower, presented by the Calm app team

    Sleep is Your Superpower, presented by the Calm app team

    July 17, 2024

    Sleep is often viewed as a luxury. However, sleep powers our minds, our bodies, and our teams. There is no tenant of health that sleep doesn’t affect. Even a few hours of lost sleep impacts our thinking, mood, and memory. During this session we will learn about the effects of poor sleep and share practical tools to unleash the power of rest.

    A FREE Calm app Premium subscription is available, through February 2026, to individuals who own, work or volunteer in an Indiana-based early childhood education or out-of-school care program! If you haven't yet redeemed you free Calm Premium subscription, visit for directions. We recommend that you redeem your free subscription and download the Calm app prior to attending this workshop.

    **Be sure to register here in I-LEAD as well as zoom, so your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

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    Pay by Enrollment is LIVE – What Providers Need to do NOW

    Pay by Enrollment is LIVE – What Providers Need to do NOW

    July 17, 2024

    OECOSL invites all providers to attend this webinar to learn more about registering for the new Provider and Parent portals, setting up banking information with the new payment vendor (Rapid Financial Systems), entering provider closures, submitting attendance in the new portal, and connecting to a CCMS. OECOSL invites you to attend this webinar to have all the tools that you need for a smooth and successful transition.

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  • Grant Writing in Five Steps (Trending Thursday)

    Grant Writing in Five Steps (Trending Thursday)

    July 18, 2024

    Interpret the types of grants and grant terminology relevant to your early education and care business. Learn how to utilize the five steps for grant writing: readiness, research, review, relationships, and submit.

    *Be sure to register in Indiana Learning Paths as well as Zoom, so that your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

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  • ASQ-SE Questionnaire Training (Milestones Matter Super Saturday) (TIPPECANOE COUNTY)

    ASQ-SE Questionnaire Training (Milestones Matter Super Saturday) (TIPPECANOE COUNTY)

    July 20, 2024

    Attend 2 trainings for a total of 4 training hours. Attendees will receive free ASQ®:SE-2 and ASQ-3 Starter Kits to use in their programs!

    • Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: An Introduction to ASQ®3
    • Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: An Introduction to ASQ®SE-2: Social-Emotional

    *There will be a one-hour break for lunch on your own. Please plan to bring a lunch or visit a local restaurant for lunch.

    Get Directions
    Public Library - Wea Prairie Branch
    Tippecanoe County

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