Events Calendar

Events in March 2025

  • Healthy Boundaries and How to Set Them, presented by the Calm app team (Leadership Series)

    Healthy Boundaries and How to Set Them, presented by the Calm app team (Leadership Series)

    March 4, 2025

    Stress and burnout are something that many of us have experienced before. By understanding how it happens and recognizing the signs, you can flag problem situations early. During this workshop, participants will learn the difference between stress and burnout, identify their stressors, and discuss ways to minimize it in their daily routines.

    A FREE Calm app Premium subscription is available, through February 2026, to individuals who own, work or volunteer in an Indiana-based early childhood education or out-of-school care program! If you haven't yet redeemed you free Calm Premium subscription, visit for directions. We recommend that you redeem your free subscription and download the Calm app prior to attending this workshop.

    **Be sure to register here in I-LEAD as well as zoom, so your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

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  • Strengthen Your Emotional Well-Being: Self Regulation Techniques to Navigate Difficult Situations

    Strengthen Your Emotional Well-Being: Self Regulation Techniques to Navigate Difficult Situations

    March 6, 2025

    Prolonged exposure to environmental stress, such as challenging behaviors in the classroom, family crises, or community violence, can significantly overload the emotional well-being of early childhood educators and staff. This training aims to equip adults working directly with young children with emotional regulation strategies to nurture, navigate and overcome stress during and after difficult situations.

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  • The Growing Brain: Social-Emotional Development (MARION COUNTY)

    The Growing Brain: Social-Emotional Development (MARION COUNTY)

    March 8, 2025

    In-Person training: Double-check the LOCATION of the session before registering!

    Learn about the areas of the brain involved in social interactions and emotional reactions; explore the role of relationships and attachment in social-emotional development.

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    John Boner Neighborhood Center

    2236 E. 10th St.

    Indianapolis, IN 46201

  • Child Care Licensing Orientation 2: Family Child Care Homes

    Child Care Licensing Orientation 2: Family Child Care Homes

    March 11, 2025

    Preparation for Home Child Care Licensure is the 2nd training in this two-part series designed to outline regulatory requirements, licensing steps, and resources for providing licensed child care in a home environment. You will leave this training prepared to take the next steps to licensing your home and will receive the necessary paperwork.

    We highly recommend that you join this training session using your computer. Throughout the session, there will be links provided that you will need to access. Furthermore, kindly ensure that your camera is turned on for the entire training.

    ** Be sure to register in both Indiana Learning Paths and Zoom for this training.\

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    Paths to QUALITY™ Introduction

    Paths to QUALITY™ Introduction

    March 11, 2025

    **Be sure to register here in Indiana Learning Paths as well as Zoom, so your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

    The Paths to QUALITY™(PTQ) Introduction Session is designed to provide you with all the information you will need in order to participate in Indiana’s quality rating and improvement system. You will learn about the four levels of participation, the enrollment process, mentoring options, rater visits, incentives and awards. This webinar is for the administrators/owners of licensed child care programs (or unlicensed registered child care ministries who have completed the Voluntary Certification Program) who are interested in enrolling their program in PTQ OR child care providers who are considering becoming licensed and plan to enroll in PTQ. Participating in this training MEETS the requirement to enroll in PTQ.

    This training DOES NOT meet in-service hours for PTQ. This training DOES meet in-service hours for licensing.

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  • Learning Forum: Schedules, Routines and Transitions

    Learning Forum: Schedules, Routines and Transitions

    March 12, 2025

    Establishing high-quality supportive environments is the foundation for setting all children up for successful outcomes. Practices related to schedules, routines, and transitions help provide clarity, consistency, and predictability. The sense of calm within your environment is dependent on you and your attention to how well you build those foundational elements. Join this learning forum to reflect and discuss your current practices with peers on establishing effective schedules, routines, and transitions.

    **Please make sure to register in both I-LEAD and ZOOM.

    Lakeshore®: Self-Care: Empowering Educators to Prioritize their Needs (HAMILTON COUNTY)

    Lakeshore®: Self-Care: Empowering Educators to Prioritize their Needs (HAMILTON COUNTY)

    March 12, 2025

    In- Person training: Double-check the LOCATION of the session before registering!

    Educators have a lot on their plates. You’re responsible for supporting the academic, social, emotional, and mental wellbeing of children through a period of historic uncertainty. It is a busy, chaotic time and it can easily feel like you have no time for yourself. Operating at a high level of unmitigated stress will, over time, lead to burnout. In this session, we discuss why self-care is critical right now and share realistic strategies, tips, and tricks on finding what works for you.

    This training is presented through a partnership between SPARK Learning Lab and Lakeshore®. A meal will be served, and all attendees will receive a materials kit to use with the children in your program!

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    Get Directions

    Ball State Fisher Center - East Classroom

    12175 Visionary Way

    Fishers, IN 46038

  • Relational Onboarding to Support Engagement and Retention

    Relational Onboarding to Support Engagement and Retention

    March 13, 2025

    Onboarding is a critical component to the success of those new to their roles. While many onboarding programs have transactional experiences of paperwork and processes, many are missing the critical component of relational experiences. Learn the differences between transactional and relational experiences and begin developing relational experiences to complete your onboarding plan.

    * Be sure to register in Indiana Learning Paths as well as Zoom, so that your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

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    Safe Sleep Practices: Reducing Sudden Unexpected Infant Death and Implementation in Child Care Settings Module 1 and 2

    Safe Sleep Practices: Reducing Sudden Unexpected Infant Death and Implementation in Child Care Settings Module 1 and 2

    March 13, 2025

    *Be sure to register here in Indiana Learning Paths as well as Zoom, so that your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

    We know that safe sleep practices are critical for the well-being of infants in our early childhood programs. This two-hour, introductory, webinar course explains how to reduce the risk of sleep-related deaths and how to implement safe sleep practices in infant classrooms. This professional development session satisfies the State of Indiana requirement for infant caregivers.

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  • Lakeshore®: Autocuidado: Empoderar a los educadores para que prioricen sus necesidades

    Lakeshore®: Autocuidado: Empoderar a los educadores para que prioricen sus necesidades

    March 15, 2025

    Entrenamiento en persona: ¡Compruebe la UBICACIÓN de la sesión antes de registrarse!

    Los educadores tienen mucho que hacer. Eres responsable de apoyar el bienestar académico, social, emocional y mental de los estudiantes durante un período de incertidumbre histórica. Es un momento ocupado y caótico y puede parecer fácilmente que no tienes tiempo para ti mismo. Operar a un alto nivel de estrés no mitigado, con el tiempo, conducirá al agotamiento. En esta sesión, analizamos por qué el cuidado personal es fundamental en este momento y compartimos estrategias, y consejos realistas para encontrar lo que funciona para usted.

    Esta capacitación se presenta a través de una asociación entre SPARK Learning Lab y Lakeshore®. ¡Se servirá una comida y todos los participantes recibirán un kit de materiales para usar con los niños en su programa!

    Para Registrarse

    Obtener direcciones

    Ball State Fisher Center - East Classroom

    12175 Visionary Way

    Fishers, IN 46038


    Super Saturday: Thriving Together: Supporting Well-Being and Emotional Milestones in Early Childhood (LAKE COUNTY)

    Super Saturday: Thriving Together: Supporting Well-Being and Emotional Milestones in Early Childhood (LAKE COUNTY)

    March 15, 2025

    In-Person training: Double-check the LOCATION of the session before registering!

    Attend 2 trainings for a total of 3.5 training hours:

    • Embedding the Student Wellbeing Standards into Daily Practices
    • Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: An Introduction to ASQ®SE-2: Social-Emotional

    Attendees will receive free ASQ®:SE-2 Starter Kits to use in their programs, and lunch will be provided.

    PREREQUISITE REQUIRED: Using the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. Resources to Increase Family Engagement and Promote Developmental Monitoring and Screening

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    East Chicago Public Library - Main Library

    2401 E. Columbus Drive,

    East Chicago, IN 46312

  • Four-Step Approach to Difficult Conversations with Families (KOSCIUSKO COUNTY)

    Four-Step Approach to Difficult Conversations with Families (KOSCIUSKO COUNTY)

    March 17, 2025

    In-Person training: Double-check the LOCATION of the session before registering!

    Communicating with empathy and positive regard can be difficult, especially in an unbiased way. Positive family partnerships are essential when fostering a mutually respectful and trusting relationship. Learn how to use this four-step approach that supports adult composure, empathy, positive intent, and problem solving to support relationship building with your families when having difficult conversations.

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    Foundations Academy

    1305 Mariners Drive

    Warsaw, IN 46582


    Strengthen Your Emotional Well-Being: Self Regulation Techniques to Navigate Difficult Situations (DUBOIS COUNTY)

    Strengthen Your Emotional Well-Being: Self Regulation Techniques to Navigate Difficult Situations (DUBOIS COUNTY)

    March 17, 2025

    In-Person training: Double-check the LOCATION of the session before registering!

    Prolonged exposure to environmental stress, such as challenging behaviors in the classroom, family crises, or community violence, can significantly overload the emotional well-being of early childhood educators and staff. This training aims to equip adults working directly with young children with emotional regulation strategies to nurture, navigate and overcome stress during and after difficult situations.

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    Hummingbird Day Care

    205 N 2nd Ave,

    Holland, IN 47541

  • Writing and Implementing an Effective Policy

    Writing and Implementing an Effective Policy

    March 18, 2025

    Policies create clear expectations and help operate a business safely and efficiently. Learn key components to writing a policy and explore ways to implement them into your program.

    *Be sure to register in I-LEAD as well as zoom, so that certificates can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

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    Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3) Training

    Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3) Training

    March 18, 2025

    The Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) provides reliable, accurate, developmental and social-emotional screening for children between birth and age 6. The ASQ has been specifically designed to identify developmental progress and spot potential delays in young children. Screening young children is an effective, efficient way for professionals to monitor a child’s development. Help parents celebrate their child’s milestones, know what to expect next, and determine whether a follow-up is needed. The ASQ is an essential first step toward identifying children with delays or disorders in the critical early years.

    Each child care program is eligible to receive an ASQ®:-3 Starter Kit upon completion of this training! A SPARK Mental Health and Wellness Coach will also be available to support on-site with implementation.

    PREREQUISITE REQUIRED: Using the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. Resources to Increase Family Engagement and Promote Developmental Monitoring and Screening

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    Child Care Licensing Orientation 2: Child Care Centers

    Child Care Licensing Orientation 2: Child Care Centers

    March 18, 2025

    In this professional development session, participants identify the components necessary to complete a successful child care center licensing application and pass the initial licensing inspection. This session is appropriate for those who intend to open a licensed child care center in the state of Indiana and who have already completed Orientation 1: Training for Child Care Providers.

    We highly recommend that you join this training session using your computer. Throughout the session, there will be links provided that you will need to access. Furthermore, kindly ensure that your camera is turned on for the entire training.

    ** Be sure to register in both Indiana Learning Paths and Zoom for this training.

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    Keeping Children Safe: Systems for Supervision, Tracking and Follow Through

    Keeping Children Safe: Systems for Supervision, Tracking and Follow Through

    March 18, 2025

    Keeping children safe is a top priority for all educators. In this introductory-level training, providers will learn how to describe and apply active supervision strategies and systems to keep children safe and accounted for in their programs. Active Supervision is the most effective strategy for creating a safe environment and preventing injuries in young children. Learn the six strategies, how to set up the program environment to effectively supervise and track children, tools to support transition, and discuss leadership's role in reinforcing active supervision and tracking.

    ** Be sure to register in I-LEAD as well as zoom, so that certificates can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

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  • Live Resource: What you need to know about the School-Age Child Care Grant (SACC)

    Live Resource: What you need to know about the School-Age Child Care Grant (SACC)

    March 19, 2025

    School-Age Child Care Grant (SACC) applications are opening and this is your opportunity to learn about the changes in this year’s online application. Mark your calendar to join SPARK Learning Lab for a Live SACC application walkthrough. Don’t delay - register for this LIVE resource today! No certificate will be awarded for this Live Resource session.

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    Using Social Stories to Identify and Promote Prosocial Behavior

    Using Social Stories to Identify and Promote Prosocial Behavior

    March 19, 2025

    Employ social stories (also known as scripted stories) as a proactive and instructional strategy to reduce behaviors that challenge us in the learning environment. Learn how to individualize social stories to increase prosocial behaviors and respond to challenging behaviors in your setting.

    * Be sure to register in both Indiana Learning Paths and Zoom, so that your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

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  • Employer Branding to Support Talent Acquisition

    Employer Branding to Support Talent Acquisition

    March 20, 2025

    In today's market, job seekers have endless options as to where they can choose to work. Employer branding is what can set your program apart to help bring more candidates, and higher quality candidates, through your doors. This training teaches the basics of employer branding including how to distinguish branding for your business versus branding for talent acquisition, how to engage with job seekers online and what an employer branding plan is to support your talent acquisition efforts.

    ** Be sure to register in both Indiana Learning Paths and Zoom for this training.

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    Being an Early Childhood Professional- Part 2 (Trending Thursday)

    Being an Early Childhood Professional- Part 2 (Trending Thursday)

    March 20, 2025

    This course builds on the skills learned in Part 1 of Being an Early Childhood Professional. During this session, you will be introduced to best practices for creating consistent and equitable accountability processes that promote staff development and growth. In addition, identify your leadership style and understand the impact these accountability processes have in promoting professionalism in a way that aligns with your program's vision. It is recommended, but NOT required, that learners complete Being an Early Childhood Professional Part 1 before Part 2.

    ** Be sure to register in zoom as well as I-LEAD, so that certificates can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

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  • Child Care Licensing Orientation 2: Unlicensed Registered Child Care Ministry

    Child Care Licensing Orientation 2: Unlicensed Registered Child Care Ministry

    March 25, 2025

    In this professional development session, participants identify the components necessary to complete a successful child care ministry registration application and pass the initial registration inspection. This session is appropriate for those who intend to open an unlicensed registered child care ministry in the state of Indiana and who have already completed Orientation 1: Training for Child Care Providers.

    We highly recommend that you join this training session using your computer. Throughout the session, there will be links provided that you will need to access. Furthermore, kindly ensure that your camera is turned on for the entire training.

    ** Be sure to register in both Indiana Learning Paths and Zoom for this training.

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