3:00 pm: SPARK- Strengthening Business Practices for Family Child Care Homes Module 1: Budgets, Projections, and Planning- Live Webinar
1:30 pm: SPARK- Strengthening Business Practices for Centers, Ministries, & Schools Module 1: Budgets, Projections, and Planning- Pt. 1 of 2- Live Webinar
1:00 pm: CANCELLED- SPARK- Virtual Learning Forum: Safe Sleep- The Indiana State Dept. of Health Updates
1:00 pm: Cancelado- SPARK- Prácticas de sueño seguro: reducir la muerte infantil súbita inesperada e implementación de centros de cuidado infantil Módulo 1 y 2- fas te fas
1:00 pm: SPARK- Live Resource: Sign Language to Enhance Social & Emotional Learning of Young Children
10:00 am: SPARK- Farm to Early Childhood Education Learning Series - Part 1: School Gardens- Live Webinar