6:00 pm: El uso de Aprende las Señales, Actúa . A Tiempo del CDC provee recursos para aume/Using the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. presented by Stephan Viehweg (ZOOM)
6:00 pm: Using the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. Resources to Increase Family Engagement and Promote Developmental Monitoring and Screening presented by Stephan Viehweg (ZOOM)
7:00 pm: Town Square: Planning for Science through Nature in your Environment and Curriculum (Part 2 of 2) Live Webinar
1:00 pm: Safe Sleep Practices: Reducing Sudden Unexpected Infant Death and Implementation in Child Care Settings Module 1 and 2 Live Webinar
9:30 am: SPARK! Planning Your Physical Environment to Reduce Challenging Behaviors Face to Face (Vanderburgh County)
1:00 pm: SPARK! School-Age Bullying Behavior: Understanding what it is, what it isn't, and risk factors of why it happens (ZOOM)