February 4, 2025
The Growing Brain: Communication and Language Development (Part 1)
February 4, 2025
The Growing Brain: From Birth to 5 Years Old is an innovative professional development opportunity that provides a toolkit of how the brain develops, along with ways you can encourage healthy brain development in children from birth to 5 years old. In this training, learn about specific communication milestones and when they typically emerge, and how this relates to brain development. Also learn strategies for supporting early communication skills and gain understanding of how multi-language learning occurs.
This 3-hour training will be offered in 2 sessions of 1.5 hours each. You must attend both sessions to earn a certificate.
*Be sure to register both here in Indiana Learning Paths as well as zoom, so that your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.
Child Care Licensing Orientation 2: Family Child Care Homes
February 4, 2025
Preparation for Home Child Care Licensure is the 2nd training in this two-part series designed to outline regulatory requirements, licensing steps, and resources for providing licensed child care in a home environment. You will leave this training prepared to take the next steps to licensing your home and will receive the necessary paperwork.
We highly recommend that you join this training session using your computer. Throughout the session, there will be links provided that you will need to access. Furthermore, kindly ensure that your camera is turned on for the entire training.
** Be sure to register in both Indiana Learning Paths and Zoom for this training.
Minimizing Stress & Burnout for Leaders, presented by the Calm app team (Leadership Series)
February 4, 2025
A FREE Calm app Premium subscription is available, through February 2026, to individuals who own, work or volunteer in an Indiana-based early childhood education or out-of-school care program! If you haven't yet redeemed you free Calm Premium subscription, visit https://indianaspark.com/calm/ for directions. We recommend that you redeem your free subscription and download the Calm app prior to attending this workshop.
**Be sure to register here in I-LEAD as well as zoom, so your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.