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March 11, 2025

Child Care Licensing Orientation 2: Family Child Care Homes

Child Care Licensing Orientation 2: Family Child Care Homes

March 11, 2025

Preparation for Home Child Care Licensure is the 2nd training in this two-part series designed to outline regulatory requirements, licensing steps, and resources for providing licensed child care in a home environment. You will leave this training prepared to take the next steps to licensing your home and will receive the necessary paperwork.

We highly recommend that you join this training session using your computer. Throughout the session, there will be links provided that you will need to access. Furthermore, kindly ensure that your camera is turned on for the entire training.

** Be sure to register in both Indiana Learning Paths and Zoom for this training.\

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Paths to QUALITY™ Introduction

Paths to QUALITY™ Introduction

March 11, 2025

**Be sure to register here in Indiana Learning Paths as well as Zoom, so your certificate can be processed into your I-LEAD account.

The Paths to QUALITY™(PTQ) Introduction Session is designed to provide you with all the information you will need in order to participate in Indiana’s quality rating and improvement system. You will learn about the four levels of participation, the enrollment process, mentoring options, rater visits, incentives and awards. This webinar is for the administrators/owners of licensed child care programs (or unlicensed registered child care ministries who have completed the Voluntary Certification Program) who are interested in enrolling their program in PTQ OR child care providers who are considering becoming licensed and plan to enroll in PTQ. Participating in this training MEETS the requirement to enroll in PTQ.

This training DOES NOT meet in-service hours for PTQ. This training DOES meet in-service hours for licensing.

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