SPARK Learning Lab
You support Hoosier children and families. Let SPARK support you!
You support Hoosier children and families. Let SPARK support you!
As an early childhood education and care professional you work hard every day for Indiana children and families. SPARK Learning Lab is here to support you by providing training, coaching, resources, and more!
Take SPARK’s assessment, the Program Growth Tool, to receive a customized quality improvement plan for your program including targeted resources and coaching.
Login or create a free account at and click the green “My SPARK Learning Lab” button
Click the blue “Take the Program Growth Tool” button and choose 1 or more quality items to evaluate for your program
Receive a customized plan including resources and coaching to help your program meet it’s quality improvement goals
Ongoing feedback from individuals like you will help guide the ongoing advancements in elevating the quality of early childhood programs.
3500 Depauw Boulevard, Suite 1110 • Indianapolis, IN, 46268
© 2022 SPARK Learning Lab. All rights reserved.